Morgan Hill stands with the Amah Mutsun to protect Juristac

On Wednesday, Morgan Hill became the first city to adopt a resolution calling for the preservation of Juristac. The unanimous vote by the Morgan Hill City Council took place after over 100 supporters of the Amah Mutsun held a rally outside of City Hall in opposition to sand and gravel mining at Juristac.

Representatives of organizations including the ACLU of Northern California, Green Foothills and the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley spoke to the council in support of the resolution to protect Juristac, alongside Amah Mutsun tribal members. The council chambers was packed with members of the public who came to show their support for preserving the sacred grounds of the Amah Mutsun.

“Please stand with us. We’re coming back,” Amah Mutsun Chairman Valentin Lopez told the City Council. “Don’t let the destruction continue into future generations— it’s time for that to come to an end.”

While the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will ultimately vote to approve or deny the permit for the mine, these local city-level resolutions build momentum and send a strong message to the supervisors that our communities will not accept this destructive project.

“We have to speak up and let our county leaders know, and please have a good look at this project and say no to it,” Morgan Hill Councilmember Rene Spring told reporters. “Let’s protect the open space and sacred sites, and let’s just say no, no, no to this bad project.”

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